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  • 2020-Present: LPSP 1328: Children’s neuropsychology - Psychology Faculty, UCLouvain Belgium


  • 2018-2019: LLOGO 2130: Hearing loss, language development, assessment and rehabilitation - Psychology Faculty, UCLouvain Belgium


  • 2015-2019: Early Childhood Audiometry Course – Institut Portmann & Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (Bordeaux, Brussels, Rabat).


  • 2011-2012: Identify and prevent learning disabilities in schools. Training for maternal and primary teachers in communal schools under the direction of the CECP in French-speaking Belgium.



Students supervision

Phd thesis (supervision panel member, co-promotion by Prof M.Llaguno-Munitxa & Prof. M. Edwards) :

Green Accessibility Measures and Environmental assessments in Schools 

Ahmadreza Irajpour

Master thesis : Systematic review : The effects of greenspaces/bluespaces on children’s cognitive skills and a proposition of a protocol assessing visuospatial abilities

Clémence Debiève

Master thesis: Study of the impact of vestibular difficulties on level 1 and 2 visual perspective taking. (Co-promotion with Prof. Henry Bukowski)

Benjamin Brise

Phd thesis (supervision panel member, co-promotion by Prof M.Llaguno-Munitxa & Prof. M. Edwards) :

Urban Green Infrastructure for Stress reduction and Thermal
comfort (GIST)

Pranav Pandya

Master thesis : The adaptability of mental rotation tasks across different cultures : The example of Senegal

Annelore Degehet

Master thesis: Normative data on the VSAD mental rotation task.

Isabelle Aerts & Leen Heirbaut

Master thesis: The evolution of spatial perception/mental rotation abilities in children as a function of their exposure to a natural (rather than urbanized) environment - review of the literature.

Olivia Pecriaux & Virginie Pecriaux

Master thesis : Body movement, postural disturbances and cognitive difficulties in patients with vestibular disorders

Margaux Huybrechts

& Marius Grandjean

Master thesis: Does cognitive load moderate cognitive difficulties in patients with vestibular disorders?

Lucie Steenbergen

Master thesis: Mask wearing effect on emotion recognition in children during the Covid-19 pandemic

Léa Vrient

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards): The discriminant validity of a new smartphone neuropsychological for the evaluation of cognitive deficits in obstructive sleep apnea.

Charline Knop

Zoé Druart

& Camille Pérot

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards): Analysis of the different cognitive profiles of children with vestibular disorders

Agathe Leroy & Michel Vollbracht

Research Internship (IT engineer ): Creation of a virtual driver simulator -co-supervised by Stéphane Grade.

Guillaume WYART

Clinical internship: Neuropsychological assesment and rehabiliation of deaf children. Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Centre d'audiophonologie, ORL, Brussels


Clinical internship: Neuropsychological assesment and rehabiliation of deaf children. Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Centre d'audiophonologie, ORL, Brussels

Wivinne Maës

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards): Normative data for healthy children from 6 to 12 years old on the VSAD, a new battery on digital tablet for the evaluation of visuospatial abilities.

Agathe Leroy & Michel Vollbracht

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. Olivier Collignon) - Perception of spatial representation in patients with vestibular disorders with or without hearing deficits.

Mathilde Feltrin et Mélissa Martina

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards): The perspective taking ability of the deaf person with a vestibular trouble: A case

Anita Kumar

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards):  Normalisation and validation of the news computerized battery « Visuo Spatial Abilities in Deafness» (VSAD) in a population of normal-hearing children.

Louise Meert

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards): Analysis of visuo-spatial reproduction abilities at Rey's figure test of deaf signers children.

Laura Gillet

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards): Standardisation of the digital Rey figure test in deaf children.

Marie Beernaerts

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards): The impact of vestibular disorders on the development of neuropsychological abilities in children. Case study.

  Sylvie Libion

Clinical internship: Neuropsychological assesment and rehabiliation of deaf children. Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Centre d'audiophonologie, ORL, Brussels

Marie-Laure Pirlot

Clinical internship: Neuropsychological assesment and rehabiliation of deaf children. Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Centre d'audiophonologie, ORL, Brussels

Amandine Piron

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards) & research internship : Developing a new neuropsychological battery on smartphone for measuring sleep-related cognitive deficits.

Alikemal Karasu

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards) & research internship: VSAD, a new battery on digital tablet for the evaluation of visuospatial abilities in deaf and hard of hearing children : a preliminary validation study.

Stéphanie Cornet

Master thesis (co-promotion with Prof. M. Edwards). The effect of fatigue on a new neuropsychological battery on smartphone

Mike Lopes

© 2020 by Emilie Lacroix

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