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Research topics

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Digital neuropsychology


Sensorial disorders and learning


Vestibular cognition

Last Publications

​Scientific papers:

  • Pattyn, N, Lacroix, E., Van Cutsem, J. Van Puyvelde, Vandenberg, N., Mairesse, O., Dessy, E., Savieri, P., Stas, L., Verheyden, C., Huybens,W, Lo Bue, S. Tibax, V, Vliegen, R., Ceccaldi, J. Smart is the new strong: an investigation of the contribution of physical, cognitive, anthropometric and personality variables to success in a tier 1 Special Forces Qualification Course. (2024). Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 13(2), 183–204.

  • Wathour J, Govaerts PJ, Lacroix E, Naïma D. Effect of a CI Programming Fitting Tool with Artificial Intelligence in Experienced Cochlear Implant Patients. Otol Neurotol. 2023 Jan 18. https://doi:10.1097/MAO.0000000000003810 . Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36728126.

  • Wathour, J., Govaerts, P. J., Derue, L., Vanderbemden, S., Huaux, H., Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N. Prospective comparison between manual and computer assisted (FOX®) cochlear implant fitting in newly implanted patients. (2023). Ear and Hearing. 

  • Llaguno-Munitxa M., Edwards M., Grade S., Vander Meulen M., Letesson C., Sierra E.A., Altomonte S., Lacroix E., Bogosian B., Kris M., MacAgno E. Quantifying stress level reduction induced by urban greenery perception. (2022) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1122 (1), art. no. 012021,

  • Saj, A., Cisneros, E., Lacroix, E., La neuropsychologie de l’intervention 3.0. Épisode II. Revue de neuropsychologie 2022/2 (Volume 14).

  • Saj, A., Cisneros, E., Lacroix, E., La neuropsychologie de l’intervention 3.0. Épisode I. Revue de neuropsychologie 2022/1 (Volume 14).

  • Van Cutsem, J., Pattyn, N., Mairesse, O., Delwiche, B., Fernandez Tellez, H., Van Puyvelde, M., Lacroix, E., McDonnell, A.C., Eiken, O., Mekjavic, I.B., (2022). Adult female sleep during hypoxic bed rest. Frontiers in Neurosciences. - Sleep and Circadian Rhythms.

  • Pattyn, N., Van Cutsem, J., Dessy, E., Lacroix, E., Van Puyvelde, M., Cortoos, A., Roelands, B., Tibax, V., Huret, M., Rietjens, G., Sannen, M., Vliegen, R., Ceccaldi, J., Peffer, J., Neyens, E., Duvigneaud, N., Van Tiggelen, D. Lessons from special forces operators for elite team sports training: how to make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. (Submitted Sept 2021 to Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology - Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology. - 2022)

  • Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N., Edwards, M.G., Van Cutsem, J., van Puyvelde, M., & Pattyn, N. (2021). The Cognitive-Vestibular Compensation Hypothesis: How Cognitive Impairments Might Be the Cost of Coping With Compensation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 

  • Van Puyvelde, M., Van Cutsem, J., Lacroix, E., & Pattyn, N. (2021). A State-of-the-Art Review on the Use of Modafinil as A Performance-enhancing Drug in the Context of Military Operationality. Military medicine, usab398. Advance online publication.

  • Lacroix, E., Cornet, S., Deggouj, N.D., Edwards, M. G. (2021). Visuo-Spatial Abilities Diagnosis - Test (VSAD): Evaluate the potential cognitive difficulties of children with vestibular impairment through a new tablet-based computerised test battery. Behavior Research Methods,

  • Lacroix, E., Edwards, M. G., De Volder, A., Noël, M-P., Rombaux, P., & Deggouj, N. Neuropsychological profiles of child vestibular loss patients. (2020) Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. Pre-press,  pp. 1-9,

  • Liu, Y., Locklear, T., Sharon, J., Nguyen, S., Lacroix, E. Rizk, H. Quantification of Cognitive Dysfunction in Dizzy Patients using the Neuropsychological Vertigo Inventory. (2019). Otology & Neurotology, 40(7) e723-e731.

  • Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N., Salvaggio, S., Wiener, V., Debue, M., and Edwards, M. G. (2016). The development of a new questionnaire for cognitive complaints in vertigo: the Neuropsychological Vertigo Inventory (NVI). European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 1-9.

  • Araneda, R., De Volder, A.G., Deggouj, N., Philippot, P., Heeren, A., Lacroix, E., Decat, M., Rombaux, P., & Renier, L. (2015). Altered top-down cognitive control and auditory processing in tinnitus: Evidences from auditory and visual spatial Stroop tasks. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 33(1).

  • Heeren, A., Maurage, P., Perrot, H., de Volder, A., Renier, L., Araneda, R., Lacroix, E., Philippot (2014). Tinnitus specifically alters the top-down executive sub-component of attention: Evidence from the Attention Network Task. Behavioural Brain Research, 269, 147-154.


Published abstract:

  • Pandya, P., Llaguno-Munitxa, M., Edwards, M., Lacroix, E., and Manoli, G. (2024). Modeling the Interplay between Urban Environmental Characteristics and Cyclist Route Preferences, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18514,

  • Lacroix, E., Edwards, M. G., De Volder, A., Noël, M-P., Rombaux, P., Deggouj, N. (2019). Do vestibular loss patients who complain of subjective cognitive impairments actually have objective cognitive impairments? An exploratory study. Neurophysiol. Clin., vol. 49, no. 6, p. 414.


Book Chapter:

  • Lacroix, E., Edwards, M. G. Neuropsychologie 2.0 des capacités visuo-spatiales, book chapter in « Neuropsychologie clinique et technologies”, collective work from Forum 2019 of the SNLF (Société de Neuropsychologie de la langue française). De Boeck (In edition - 2022).


Scientific posters:

  • Cornet, S., Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N., Collignon, O. and Edwards, M.G. (2018). Poster : VSAD, a new battery for the evaluation of visuospatial abilities in deaf and hard of hearing children : a preliminary validation study. IPSY day, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve / Journée Normande de Neuropsychologie – Geneva University (2017).

  • Lacroix, E., Edwards, M.G. and Deggouj, N. (2016). Poster : Vestibular impairments and visuo-spatial dysfunction : Comparison of subjective and objective cognitive assessment in patients with bilateral vestibular loss. International Federation of ORL Societies (IFOS) – ENT World Congress – Paris / Annual Research in Imagery and Observation Group Meeting. University of Roehampton, London / British Neuropsychological Society, London / GDR Vertiges Marseille (2017).

  • Lacroix, E., Salvaggio, S., Deggouj, N., Wiener, V., Debue, M. and Edwards, M.G. (2015). Poster: Can balance disorders moderate our cognition? Creation and validation of a new questionnaire, Research in Imagery and Observation 2015, University of Stirling, UK / The annual meeting of the Belgium Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium / British Society of Neuro-Otology (BSNO), London / 50th symposium de la Société Internationale d’Otoneurologie, Dijon. / GDR Vertiges Marseille (2017).

  • Hoffmann, J., Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N. and Edwards, M.G. (2015). Poster : Neuropsychological assessment of visuospatial impairment, The annual meeting of the Belgium Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.

  • Libion, S., Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N. and Edwards, M.G. (2015). Poster : The impact of vestibular disorders on cognitive function, The annual meeting of the Belgium Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.

  • Maës, W., Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N. and Edwards, M.G. (2015). Poster : Neuropsychological evaluation of visuospatial abilities in deaf/hard-of-hearing children, The annual meeting of the Belgium Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.

  • Araneda, A., Deggouj, N., Lacroix, E, Renier, L., Philippot, P.,  Heeren, A., De Volder, A. G. (2014). Poster : Altered top-down cognitive control and auditory processing in tinnitus : evidences from auditory and visual spatial Stroop tasks. IMRF 2014 -15th International Multisensory Research Forum (Poster Session) - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Lacroix, E. (2013). Poster : VSAD : A new battery for the evaluation of Visuo-Spatial Abilities in Deafness ». PhD Student Day (Poster Session) – IoNS – Bruxelles / Neuropsychology Workshop, poster session – Leuven / International Conference on Auditory Cortex (ICAC) – Banff – Canada.


Oral communications:

  • Lacroix, E., Grandjean, M., Huyberechts, M., Steenbergen, L., Ghasemzadeh, S. A., De Vleeschouwer C, Gareth Edwards, M. (2024). Walking into the future – Enhancing cognitive diagnosis in vestibular patients using walking task & deep pose estimation. Gait, Posture, and Locomotion - Bárány Society meeting 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

  • Lacroix, E., Grandjean, M., Huyberechts, M., Steenbergen, L., Ghasemzadeh, S. A., De Vleeschouwer C, Gareth Edwards, M. (2024). Improving cognitive diagnosis of vestibular patients through simple walking and deep pose estimation algorithm. Vertigo & balance disorders – World Congress of Audiology, Paris, France.

  • Deggouj, N, Lacroix, E. Out of body syndrome following vestibular neuritis. A clinical case - 20ème Symposium – European Society for Clinical Evaluation of Balance Disorders (ESCEBD) (2024), Nancy, France.

  • Pandyaa, P., Llaguno-Munitxaa, M., Gareth Edwards, M., Lacroix, E., Manolic, G. (2023). Cycling Towards Sustainable Urban Mobility: Thermal Comfort and Well-being in Diverse Neighborhoods of Brussels. Conference on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for sustainable development, UClouvain-Circle U, Louvain-la-Neuve

  • Llaguno-Munitxa, M., Edwards, M., Grade, S., Vander Meulen, M., Letesson, C., Agudo-Sierra, E., Altomonte, S., Lacroix, E., Bogosian , B., Mun, K., Macagno, E. (2022). Quantifying stress level reduction induced by urban greenery perception. SBEfin 2022 Conference - Emerging Concepts for Sustainable Built Environment, virtual conference.

  • Llaguno-Munitxa, M., Edwards, M. G., Grade, S.,Vander Meulen, M., Letesson, C., Agudo Sierra, E., Altomonte, S., Lacroix, E., Bogosian, B, Mun, K, Macagno, E. 360° image and video urban scene immersions to evaluate the role of urban green infrastructure in stress level reduction. AUM2022 (Cambridge University - Martin Centre: Sustainable buildings and cities, du 30/06/2022 au 01/07/2022).

  • Lacroix, E. (2022). Le « Neuropsychological Vertigo Inventory (NVI) », un outil d’évaluation des plaintes des patients présentant des troubles de l’équilibre. Journée scientifique de la Chaire UCLouvain-IRSA, Louvain-la-Neuve.

  • Deggouj, N., Lacroix, E. (2022). Cognition et vestibule. Vertiges et Troubles de l’équilibre de l’enfant : Comment ça marche, quels outils et que faire ? Formation AMPLIFON, Marseille, France.

  • Lacroix, E. (2021). Vertiges& troubles cognitifs: Le prix cérébral à payer pour garder l’équilibre – Invited (invited virtual presentation, Formation spirale (Geneva).

  • Lacroix, E. (2021). Numerical Neuropsychology - Behind & beyond the screen  – Invited (virtual, conférences et ateliers du cerebrum, Montréal University).

  • Lacroix, E. (2020). Numerical Neuropsychology - Behind & beyond the screen – Invited (virtual) presentation for the annual congress of the AQNP (Association québécoise des neuropsychologues).

  • Lacroix, E., Edwards, M. G. Neuropsychologie 2.0 des capacités visuo-spatiales (2019). Forum 2019 of the SNLF (Société de Neuropsychologie de la langue française), Paris, France.

  • Lacroix, E., Edwards, M. G., De Volder, A., Noël, M-P., Rombaux, P., Deggouj, N. (2019). Do vestibular loss patients who complain of subjective cognitive impairments actually have objective cognitive impairments? An exploratory study. XXVI SOFPEL Congress – Montreal University, Canada. Video presentation available online:

  • Lacroix, E., Letesson, C., Karasu, A., Edwards, M. G. (2019). Development and validation of a new neuropsychological computerised battery to evaluate cognitive function in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Annual meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Science (BACN) - Cambridge University.

  • Lacroix, E., Deggouj, N., Grade, S. Edwards, M. G. (2019). Development and validation of a driving simulator serious game to evaluate cognitive function in patients with vestibular disorders. 1st International congress on motion sickness - 15th European Society for Clinical Evaluation of Balance Disorders Meeting – Akureyri, Iceland.

  • Cornet S., Deggouj, N., Collignon, O. Edwards, M. G., Lacroix, E (2019). VSAD, a new battery for the evaluation of visuo-spatial abilities in deaf children: a preliminary validation study. Royal Belgian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery – Spring Symposium, Bruxelles.

  • Lacroix (2018). Neuropsychological profiles of children with vestibular loss. CI Conference 2018 - 15th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Auditory Technology – Antwerp.

  • Lacroix (2018). Système vestibulaire et cognition: Pourquoi est-il difficile de démontrer des troubles cognitifs objectifs chez les patients présentant des troubles vestibulaires ? 18th congress of the international society of vestibular rehabilitation (SIRV), Poitiers.

  • Lacroix (2018). If I lose my balance, does it change my cognitive abilities? HBIM Congres. Brain and Body, it’s time to work together. - Brussels.

  • Lacroix (2018). L'impact de la déficience auditive et des troubles vestibulaires sur le fonctionnement cognitif. Invited lecturer. Geneva University.

  • Lacroix, E. (2018, 2019). Le rôle du neuropsychologue clinicien-chercheur au sein d’un service ORL. Invited presentation – LPSY2925 « Neuropsychologie clinique »  – UCLouvain, Belgium.

  • Lacroix, E (2017). Cognition and vestibular disorders - Royal Belgian Society for Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery, Louvain-la-Neuve.

  • Lacroix, E (2017). Neuropsychology & technical innovations: From Diagnosis to rehabilitation – Which practical tools ? Invited presentation – Journée Normande de Neuropsychologie – Geneva University.

  • Lacroix, E (2017). Vestibular impairments and visuo-spatial dysfunction: Comparison of subjective and objective cognitive assessment in patients with bilateral vestibular loss.– International Society of Otoneurology (SIO) – Geneva.

  • Lacroix, E., Huart, C., Grade, S. (2016).  Contribution of the sensory-motor systems in spatial cognition, invited meeting, laboratoire COMETE, Caën University.

  • Lacroix, E. (2016).  Vestibular  processes in spatial perception. Joint meeting between Psy-NAPS, NOCIONS and CPP-Lab. UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve.

  • Lacroix, E., Salvaggio, S., Deggouj, N., Wiener, V., Debue, M. and Edwards, M.G. (2015), Symposium presentation: Can balance disorders moderate our cognition? Creation and validation of a new questionnaire, Autumn Meeting of the Royal Belgian Oto-rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Society, B-Audio Session - Namur, Belgium.

  • Lacroix, E. (2014). Combine research and clinic, a utopia? Invited presentation for Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy BAC 2-3 Psychology Faculty - UCLouvain. Louvain-la-Neuve.

  • Lacroix, E. (2014). Attention, concentration, memory: Evolution of the cerebral mechanisms in the light of new technologies. Invited presentation - AMISEK Lectures, Brussels.

  • Lacroix, E. (2014). Visual-spatial processing. Disorders of the child's balance. Multidisciplinary approaches in ENT, neuropediatrics, ophthalmology, physical medicine and revalidation - Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels.

  • Lacroix, E. (2013). Invited presentation -Vestibular deficits and visuo-spatial functions in deafness. Research Unit on Cognitive and Affective Sciences, Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille III, Lille. 

  • Lacroix, E. (2013). Intellectual assessment of deaf children and differences between children with conventional hearing aids and children with cochlear implants. Royal Belgium Society for ear, nose and throat, head and neck surgery. Annual congress. New frontiers in paediatric ENT, Brussels.

  • Lacroix, E. (2013). VSAD, a new battery for the evaluation of Visuo-Spatial Abilities in Deaf children”. Metrisquare Symposium, Utrecht.

  • Lacroix, E. (2012).  Intellectual assessment of the deaf children. Day of investigations in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels.

  • Lacroix, E. (2011-2012). Identify and prevent learning disabilities in schools. Training for maternal and primary teachers in communal schools under the direction of the CECP in French-speaking Belgium.

© 2020 by Emilie Lacroix

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